Monday, July 23, 2007

Fun & Games

I'm trying to stay positive. You'd think I would be excited. After all my dramas with trying to get my internet working at home, faulty mobile cards that had to be replaced, issues with getting my connection to work on my new laptop and various other issues that make my blood boil, it seems I'm finally sorted.

You could say that the excitement was kind of tarnished by having to spend pretty close to 2 hours over the last couple of days on hold to my provider. The exciting new thing that they promised would work, really didn't. Finally, after the first long wait, an entirely humourless service rep, and getting cut off mid-conversation, I managed to get online.

Even at this point I was pretty excited.

Well that lasted a whole day until it stopped working. I tried calling a few more times at various stages over the weekend and spent a lot of time on hold before having a bit of a tanty and giving up (following the advice of the nice lady who suggested I "call back at a more convenient time").

Tonight I got pig-headed, knowing that I only had one more day until my cooling off period ran out and I was potentially stuck with a dud that would never work.

Finally everything seems to be working, even my email (woo-hoo, no more webmail!). It only took 40 minutes on hold and 15 minutes on the phone to the charming (yep, sarcasm) fellow who finally ended up helping me out. I'm not sure it wasn't by accident.

My phone download connection still doesn't work with the USB cable, but I seems to have configured to bluetooth to work properly so that's that bit sorted.

The last thing to worry about is my MP3 player software. As one of the problems with my old laptop is that the CD/DVD player doesn't work properly, it's been great fun for the last couple of months having to download music on one laptop, transfer via USB thumb drive, then convert and upload to my MP3 on my old laptop. (Yes, that's me being sarcastic again).

After quite a bit of research, and no results, I finally decided to go directly to the source and email the company that makes them. Maybe something I should have done a long time ago, as they responded promptly with a link to a (secret, I'm sure) part of their website and details of the software upgrade that should be compatible with Vista. I've downloaded it, but after recent disappointments, I don't want to get too excited.

Wish me luck.

I've also been sick.

And I've been doing my tax.

I could be a little cranky. Maybe.

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