Suprisingly enough, as someone who is a bit of an extrovert and actually rather enjoys being the centre of attention, I don't really suffer from this particular affliction. I never mind putting my hand up to do work presentations, trining, or question time, and I don't have a problem with having my say in meetings. Or any other forum for that matter (getting me to shut up might actually be more of a problem!)
So we all know that beating that all-too-common fear of public speaking has all sorts of benefits. It can help your career, raise your profile, and help you make more of an impression in all manner of business situations.
But I think I found the best one of all. On Sunday I stood up (bad shoes and all) and gave a short reading at my beautiful friend Bec's wedding. If was a lovely moment to be able to share with them. I wouldn't have missed it for the world. Even if I was scared.

Me doing the reading - ignore the dodgy hair, but feel free to admire the beautiful shoes!
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