Welcome to 2007 one and all. I hope all festivities were festive and all celebrations were celebratory.
As for me, well I had a great time.
On Saturday I went to the Peat's Ridge festival up north of Sydney. It was a fantastic
festival...all sustainable principles and rubbish monitors to advise you whether your mango pip goes in the compost, recycle or landfill bin.
I swam in the river in the mud and ate Hare Krishna food and slept in a van (quite a comfy one, too, actually) and got really dirty and had to line up for toilets. It was certainly a return to my hippy roots and I loved every minute of it! (Well, except for the lining up for the toilets bit!) Especially the Hare Krishna food.
Then on Sunday I raced back to the city for a shower and some glam (half an hour's worth was all I could manage, but I think I did OK all things considered) and then headed off to a swanky New Year's
Eve party with a view of the harbour and the fireworks on the bridge and Veuve Cliquot and sensational red and gourmet pizzas made by the trusty team of Ronene, Jacki and Sandy. Thanks to Dave for the sensational night. And to Simon for the entertainment (ever seen ET dance?)
Eve party with a view of the harbour and the fireworks on the bridge and Veuve Cliquot and sensational red and gourmet pizzas made by the trusty team of Ronene, Jacki and Sandy. Thanks to Dave for the sensational night. And to Simon for the entertainment (ever seen ET dance?)
for those who've noticed the fact that this isn't the first, nay: even the second, but the third time that I have appeared in a photo on here in the same frock, well bad luck. Who do you think I am? An Australian Princess?
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