So I get up this morning and get ready for work. It's raining a bit, so I grab my umbrella on the way out the door.
Of course, as soon as I step out into aforementioned rain, deluge begins. Umbrella basically useless in the face of the sheets of water pouring from the sky. Sore knee. Running imposible. So wet that my shoes keep slipping out from under my feet because of the amount of water between my feet and the soles of my shoes. Finally arrive at the station, completely drenched from the waist down, and decidedly damp everywhere else.
I've missed my train. Of course.
Catch the next train. Still wet.
More background - the late train runs around the city circle in the opposite direction to the early train. This makes my journey longer so on mornings when I take the late train, I usually jump off at Central, run down the stairs for my platform, up the stairs to another platform and hop on a train going the right direction.
This morning I decided not to switch trains and to just deal with the whole city circle loop. Sore knee. Stairs hurt. Soaking wet. Already late for work anyway.
Of course. Train delayed. Stuck at Circular Quay. Train delayed. Lovely view of the bridge. Or there would be, if it wasn't raining so hard that I couldn't even see that far?
Finally get to my station. Now it's so late that my breakfast place has run out of scrambled eggs. Still wet. Knee hurts.
Get to work. Still wet. Realise we're about to push a forecast that doesn't contain any of the public holidays I so painstakingly collated for 2007. Hmmm, looks like about a full day of rework to be done. Just what I asked Santa for.
I've been at work for 2 and a half hours now. Still wet. Now also freezing. Wandering around barefoot as my shoes are still so wet that they're making my feet even colder. I put my jumper on, but it was in my bag when I was in the rain, and so is also wet. Not helping.
Grumble, grumble. Is it all over yet? I think I need a hot bath. Maybe a cup of tea and some chocolate biscuits.
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