Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Like sands through the hourglass...

Snigger at the rest of this post if you like, but I'll bet when you read the title, your mind automatically completed the rest of the sentence.

So anyway, I was sick yesterday and subject to the horrors of daytime television. Oprah, Dr Phil, and of course the eternal Days of our Lives. Now I'm not going to say that I enjoy the show. But I will admit that I find intriguing the way that they manage to fit so much drama into each episode, with so little actually managing to happen that even if you haven't seen the show in years you can still pick up the threads of the storyline with the viewing of a single episode.
I think it's got something to do with being a little creative with how time passes. Have you ever noticed how the children go directly from babies to teenagers? And yet somehow the parents don't get any older?
And speaking of being creative, is there any topic that hasn't yet been covered on this show? The characters regularly fall into comas, come back from the dead, are possessed, have severe cases of amnesia, change career (cop to doctor in 1 year??) get left at the altar, marry the same person more than once (probably with someone else in between) , marry someone who is related to the last person you were married to, get kidnapped...Well, I could go on all day, but you get the picture.
Ok, I'm not telling you anything you don't know. I'll get to the point. Every time I'm sick, I have to watch this dross. I can't help it. I think because it's just always been on (the show is older that I am). Every time in my life I've been sick, Days has been there. I think somewhere in my head it's become inextricably linked with the recovery process, so much so that I don't think I could recover from being ill without it!! Sad huh?

Jacki. :-)

p.s. If you have a few hours to kill, you could always try checking out the Day of our Lives website: You won't believe the stuff that's on there. I especially liked the character overview for Marlena Black!!

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