Thursday, September 14, 2006

I'm off to see the...

Well, not quite the Wizard of Oz, but close.

This evening's entertainment involves going to see Hugh. "Hugh who?" I hear you ask. sounds like a knock-knock joke...

-Knock Knock

*Who's there?


*Hugh Who?

-Yoo Hoo to you too

OK, I didn't say it was going to be a good joke.

"So what the hell is she actually babbling about?" I hear you say (I have very acute hearing today, apparently).

Tonight I'm off to see Hugh Jackman in The Boy From Oz. Australia's favourite entertainer, every bloke's best mate, and every woman's drool-spiration (Yes, I know, I just made that word up).

Updates tomorrow with how it was...although I have to admit I'd be happy with Hugh walking up and down the stage muttering like that weird guy on the bus a few weeks ago. I'm sure he'd make even that entertaining!


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