Wednesday, August 08, 2007


So I was at the supermarket the other day. I spotted a pack o f"low carb" pasta.

Given that I love pasta, but find the fact that it's pretty high in kilojoules and fat, so try to only eat it occasionally, I thought I'd check it out.

I read the label, and true to the headlines, it was substantially healthier than my usual brand, I bought a pack.

Tonight I decided to cook it up. MMMM...Tasty!

But I bet I could replicate the recipe, without shelling out the $5.40 for the pack of pasta. Check the recipe below:

  1. Buy normal pack of pasta
  2. Cook pasta according to instructions
  3. Discard pasta. Retain cardboard box pasta was packaged in.
  4. Rip cardboard into pasta-shaped pieces
  5. Pour source over.
  6. Eat.

So now I have half a pack of foul-tasting pasta. If anyone's interested in trying it out, I'll sell the remainder of it to you for $2.50...bargain.

Kidding. I'll let you have it free.

OK, you drive a hard bargain...I'll give you $2.50 to take it off my hands.

Ahh, bugger it, it's going in the bin.

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