Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I shall say this only once

It's inevitable that there are going to be some songs that you like more than others. It's always been the case and always will be. I like to think of these as "Repeat Songs"

These days it's fairly easy to have your fill of whatever your particular repeat song might be. There's a repeat function on my CD player so that whatever song I've pressed it for loops to eternity. I have the same setting on my MP3 player. If I happen to decide after the song is finished, in any case, I can flick backwards with a touch or two of a button.

Somehow, though, I don't feel as though this is always a good thing. Back when I was younger, and cassettes were the newest fandangled media for music storage, you really had a to work to get your repeat song played.

It involved precision timing and a whole lot of guess-work. Rewinding the tape, maybe counting to 10, hitting play and then possibly having to adjust several times. It really seemed so satisfying and good to be able to play your favourite song twice in a row. Any more than that and you really had to love that song...the effort soon started to outweigh the reward.

These days, being able to easily achieve repetition may have served to cheapen our attachment to our repeat songs. It's the equivalent of having that song put on high rotation on the radio.

I guess too much of a good thing can be a bad thing after all.

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