Friday, January 12, 2007


Where the hell did this week go? I'm sure it only started about 10 minutes ago!

Actually, I know where it went. Everyone finally came back from their holidays with a whole bunch of new ideas for what needed to happen at work. I've been building testing and managing pilots for a new tool at work. It's very complicated and has completely taken up my brainpower this week. There's pretty much nothing left, let me tell you.

On the up-side of this week, I'm doing the post-Christmas detox thing. No alcohol or junk food for two whole weeks and I'm 5 days into it. I've even managed to fit in a little bit of exercise! Must be getting responsible in my old age. Ah well, it'll all be over soon enough(the detox, not my old age!) and I'm sure I'll be back to my old tricks in no time.

Next week is full of more exciting things to write about, so hopefully I'll manage to be a tad more prolific.

Have a great weekend everyone!


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