Wednesday, August 30, 2006


I've always wondered about how people like and dislike different flavours.

I mean, I assume we all have basically the same equipment for tasting, and if you're a Darwinist the basic theory is that taste developed to indicate what was good or bad to eat from a survival point of view.

So why would it be different for different people? Apart from allergies, foods that are good for one person are good for another and the same with poisons.

But, I'm willing to wager, if you turn to the person next to you and ask them what their favourite food is, and which foods they dislike, they will not be the same choices you would make.

Today I wandered down to one of the local food shops to get some lunch and ordered a pre-made salad. There were a lot of ingredients I like, and just a little bit of beetroot.

I don't like beetroot. Never have since I was a kid and first eating solids. this was much to my Mum's dismay, since she grew and pickled her own and I think it may have been a source of pride (not without good reason, mind) that her beetroot is pretty sensational. Regardless, I've never been able to stomach the stuff. As a side note, this may not be such a bad thing given my natural clutziness and the apparent ability of beetroot to permanently stain anything it comes into contact with.

Since I like to think of myself as open-minded and I also know that my tastes have changes as I've gotten older, I decided to give it another go. It was only a small piece after all, and mixed in with the rest of the salad stuff.

Well, I guess my tastes haven't changed. Yuck! I'll give that a miss for the next 10 years thank you very much.

So, now you may or may not be wondering what else I don't like. Regardless, I'm gonna tell you!

  1. Number 1 by a long-shot is Vegemite. Not very patriotic of me, I know, but the stuff literally makes me feel nauseous. Can't even handle spreading the stuff on toast for someone else because it smells like it tastes.
  2. Peas. OK on their own or raw in coleslaw (mum's secret ingredient), but I don't like peas mixed in with other stuff. It's just somehow wrong.
  3. Carrots. Love them raw. Not so good if they're cooked. I don't hate them, just rarely do them for myself.
  4. Tomatoes. Love them cooked, not so big on them raw. I used to refuse raw tomato altogether, but have conceded to not picking it out if it's already in a salad. Also I'm OK with them if they're home-grown.
  5. Bananas. Can't stand the texture. Don't mind if it's banana cake or something.

so yes, I'm kind of specific with the things I'm fussy about. My sister says I'm weird. but then she doesn't like garlic. she must be mad.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I prefer eating avocado and capsicum when I can't really taste them. And I generally don't like orange vegetables...