Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Horsing Around

Last week was the Melbourne Cup, those few minutes each when Australia stops whatever it's doing and watches a horse race on the telly.

This year work made a bit of a big deal of it...champagne breakfast and then lunch at one of my favourite restaurants. So in the spirit of the day I decided to take the plunge with my first ever flutter.

I picked 2 horses and put a couple of bucks on each for a place. Luck was with me and one of them came in second for me. Woohoo...I felt like a winner.

So, of course, being such a numbers person, I had the whole thing figured out. With the odds on the horses I chose, I absolutely planned on the win on one horse winning me the same amount as on the other horse...and...umm..lost.

Yep, that was the plan alright. Break even. Maybe I should go quitting my day job just yet, huh?

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