Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Dancing Queen

I started Bollywood Dancing classes last night. I love dance classes as a great way to get some regular exercise, blow off a bit of steam, and have a lot of fun doing it. Just for the record it’s certainly not because of my natural talent and coordination (as any friend upon whose carpet I’ve spilt red wine will tell you). I’ve done several Salsa classes, Hip Hop Dancing, Belly Dancing and the enigmatically-named Solo International Dance Excitement. To continue with the hobby, I was talked into Bollywood dancing this semester.

Now just to get this straight, I’m not a Bollywood fan. Not to say that I’m not a Bollywood fan, it’s just that I can’t remember ever actually having seen anything even remotely Bollywood related. Unless “Bend it Like Beckham” counts. I just went along for the reasons outlined above, along with my fellow dancing queens Ronene and Bernie.

Well, let me tell you…Bollywood Dancing is shaping up to be the most fun of the lot. I really think in these cases that the instructor can make or break the class. Salsa was instructed by a hot-blooded latin lady who was an absolute hoot (and occasionally her very attractive assistant…mmmm). Hip hop was the young funky slip of a thing who turned up early to practice all the moves and took things quite seriously.

With this new class, the instructor is an absolute hoot. I can’t remember the last time I laughed so hard and so long. You’ve got to love a class that starts with jumping in the deep end – no instructions! We did get to a bit more structure later in the class. There were more classical moves…like “picking apples” and “pointy fingers”.

Bring it on, I say…and namastase!

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