Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Luke…."<"inhale…exhale">"….I am Your Father…

You may have noticed that on Planet Jacki there are superheroes. Mostly this consists of people I admire and readers who listen to (and act upon) my rants about saving the world (like the Walk Against Warming this weekend).

As Einstein’s taught us, however, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. And for every superhero in the world, there is an anti-hero; a villain, or nemesis if you will. Equally, on Planet Jacki, there are people out there from the dark side.

For your reading pleasure, I have outlined the sorts of people who fall into this category below:

The morning person: People who try to talk to me on the train in the morning
The premature embarkation: People who try to get onto the train, before exiting commuters have finished getting off.

The tosser: People who litter. Especially with cigarette butts (somehow they’re exempt?).
The glass nazi: Over-efficient bus-boys. Would you believe the other night we had to rescue our empty glasses 4 times before Sandy returned from the bar with a fresh bottle?

The Chatterbox: People who talk through the movie while I’m at the cinema.

The time-bomb: People who are really late when I’m waiting for them.

The perilous pedestrian: When are we going to introduce tickets for dangerous walking? People who stop suddenly, right in the middle of the walk-way, groups who walk slowly and in random directions several people wide thereby stopping anyone from getting by.

The fickle pricing policy: When you go to the same place all the time and buy the same thing, yet the price mysteriously changes every time. I’d rather be overcharged right from the start! OK, so it’s not exactly a person, but I blame every single person who works in places like that.

The know-it-all cab driver: Yep, I know it’s their job to drive around and know where they’re going. But at the end of the day, I’m heading to my house and I go there all the time. I'd like to think I know the best way to go at any given time or circumstances. In particular, I may want to go a slightly longer way because I know what traffic is like a particular time of day. If I’ve specified a particular way to go, I’d like to go that way without the snide comments. I am the one paying, after all. If I take them a longer way, surely that just means a bigger fare?

Anyone else have any anti-heros in their life?

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