Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Speaking of my mailbox...

Speaking of my mailbox...(were we?) I think that last post requires further explanation.

It's not that I walk past my mailbox several times a day and yet fail to empty it.

I live in an apartment complex with a centralised mail room.

It's actually a bit of a walk to get there from my door. I go in the side gate from the train and directly to the basement if I'm driving, and out the opposite side gate if I'm heading up to Newtown. Hence, I don't actually tend to go past my mailbox very often. Only on weekend mornings when I head down to get my weekend newspaper from the shop of a coffee from the cafe.

And last weekend the boy was up early (due to falling asleep watching telly at 8pm) and went and got the paper and a coffee for me, so there was no mailbox run.

Just in case you were wondering.

Because you might have been.

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