Monday, April 16, 2007

A Butterly Flaps its Wings in the Rainforest...

Yesterday a Jetstar flight attendant in Maroochydore took a sick day.

After many efforts on behalf of the airline, a replacement was unable to be found. due to legislation regarding the ratio of flight attendants to passengers, 25 people needed to be taken off the flight.

the process of asking for volunteers, finding none, and then deciding who was getting the boot, then getting them and their luggage off the plane took quite some time. As a result, the flight took off quite late, and was then late to arrive in Sydney.

The point of this whole story is that my sister and brother-in-law were on that flight, and although they made it to Sydney, it was far too late for them to get their connecting flight to Perth.

This was lucky for me as a got a surprise second helping of visitors last night.

Last thing I hear today at lunchtime, their flight had been delayed for about 5 hours...

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