Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Tuesday Blues

I'm having a cranky day. No particular reason. Just am. Well, maybe it's more like a stack of small reasons - the emotional equivalent of the death of a thousand paper cuts.

It must have been one hell of a storm last night. Half my pot-plants were overturned when I looked this morning.

It was still pouring when I left for work.

The entrance to the station was flooded and I had to walk all the way around to the alternative entrance and missed my train.

The train was damp and soggy and stuffy and humid.

The cuffs of my trousers are still wet.

It's still raining and grey, just like it was yesterday and just like it's forecast to be tomorrow.

I'm experiencing a few network problems at work. Everything's technically working, it's just taking twice as long as usual.

On a brighter note this made me smile for a minute.

Plus the thought that tomorrow's a public holiday....

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