Monday, June 04, 2007

Even more clutziness

If you're a regular reader, you may have picked up that I take my tea very seriously.

After a visit to Canberra the other weekend, my equally tea-conscious sister gave me a case of teapot envy. Hers was lovely - it was a good size and poured beautifully.

Mine looks pretty good and is a good size, but it's one of those annoying ones that dribble every time you pour a cup of tea. without fail. I've actually incorporated this fact into my morning routine so that I pour next to the sink with the teapot over it at an odd angle to catch the leaky tea.

So on Saturday, I noticed that a local homewares store at my local shopping centre had a bit of a sale on, so I resolved to buy myself a new teapot.

this was actually quite some effort. The teapot that I liked was on a very top shelf and the shop assistant had to get out a ladder to get it down for me to have a look at it. It also didn't have a price-tag or a box so it took a bit of hunting down to find out how much it was.

All that said and done, I paid for my new teapot, had it wrapped, and headed off to get the rest of my groceries.

Of course, clutz-Jacki couldn't just leave a story there (nor would it be an amusing anecdote for my local readers, I suppose).

I grabbed a shopping basket and quickly filled it with the necessary groceries on my list. I headed to the checkout, lined up, and then unloaded my basket. All this time the new teapot is carefully wrapped and in a green bag over my shoulder.

Once my basket was empty, I leaned down to place it in the usual stacking spot, under the checkout.

At this point the bag slipped off my shoulder and slid quickly down my arm...and landed with a clank and a thud on the ground.

Needless to say, I spent part of the afternoon playing handy-woman with glue and a broken teapot....

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