Monday, June 25, 2007

What Jacki did on Hiatus - part 2

The company I work for has a lot of great social and environmental responsibility programs. One of them that's great is called "Community Day".

For Community Day, all staff get one paid day a year to go out and do volunteer work. Usually it is organised by team and this year my team opted to go out and help clear up storm damage at a children's camp on the outskirts of the City.

So last week I headed off early, printed map in hand, ready to help out. Of course, me being me, I managed to take the scenic route (read:get horrendously lost on the way) and arrived a bit late.

We did manage to get most of the heavy lifting done, but unfortunately the storms that caused the damage were far from over and we were sent home early due to getting rained out.

So I took my sodden, muddy self to visit Bec for the rest of the afternoon - we drank cups of tea and watched ridiculous TV shows on her Pay TV channels!

I probably should feel worse about not being able to put in a full day's work volunteering, but it was nice to be rugged up drinking cups of tea with a good friend instead.

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