Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Listening comprehension

Remember back in school they'd make you take reading comprehension tests? You'd have to read a passage and then answer a few questions about the contents.

The other day I went to Fire Warden training. It was a specialist session on bomb threats (let's hope I don't get too badly tagged for using that combination of words!).

2 days later I was in a meeting where another person who had attended that exact same training session gave a short presentation to communicate the contents of the presentation to people who hadn't attended the training.

I have to wonder about different people's listening comprehension because whilst I believe she was talking about the same stuff I'd heard, it pretty much bore no resemblance whatsoever to what I'd taken away from the session. Please find below a translation table:

her: yeah bombs happen all the time in Sydney
me: There were a number of bomb scares last year in Sydney

her: these bombs went off
me: because the person who took the call kept their head, the building was evacuated and the bomb safely contained and detonated in a safe way by the bomb squad.

her: they don't just evacuate you in an emergency
me: Most bomb threats are from people who don't really want to hurt anyone, and mostly hoaxes. The risk will be assessed and the building will be evacuated if the risk is deemed high.

her: most bomb threat callers will give their name.
me: Many bomb threat callers will give a name. Even if it's not their real name, they often use repeated aliases so even a fake name can be useful in investigations.

I don't want to give away too many other fire warden secrets...but can you see what I mean?

I really don't blame any of the meeting attendees for leaving that meeting with a slightly panicked look on their faces!

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