Friday, May 18, 2007

Jacki needs....

I have to admit I wasn't going to post today. No reason. In fact "no reason" was actually the reason. I normally don't have mental blanks or writer's block, but I can't say I really had anything to post about. I made it to work with a minimum of public transport difficulties, work's running smoothly, and it's just one of those quiet times in my life (If it never rains, but it pours, I'm waiting for a deluge!)

Anyway, I have a little bit of time to kill whilst running a big long query, so I did a bit of reading instead - some archives of one of my favourite other bloggers here.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, I came across a meme done here, and had to try it out. The results were funny enough to be worth a post.

Basically, if you want to do this yourself, go to Google and type "*your name* needs" into the search field and then search. Please note that where I have put the little asterisks please insert you actual name, or the game is nowhere near as much fun.

anyway, apparently, here's what Jacki needs....

Jacki needs to get into a rehab routine at home. That's a bit rough. Just because my head-shaving occurred roughly at the same time as Britney's, doesn't make it the same thing...

Jacki needs your assistance in order to make her accessible for even more nationalities. Yep, spread the word. This blog could get right round the world with your help. that's how I'm choosing to interpret that.

Jacki needs every shred action he can get. I don't know if it's worse or better to include the next the Scottish Senior Championships start at Lasswade on March 3

Jacki needs to show some respect. No disrespect, but....

Jacki needs to come home soon to make fun of dumb things Now that's one I could manage!

Jacki needs to car-pool with someone either Friday after work or Saturday. Ummm...OK, I guess it beats the train.

Jacki needs prayer that God will strengthen her and use her. Ok, I generally try to steer clear of religion, sex and politics on here. I'm not touching that one with a barge pole.

Jacki needs a prom date....has to be someone under 21. Yup. And hurry. I'm running a little behind in my plans for the over a decade late!

Jacki needs a life I didn't know things were that bad. I know it's been a slow week and all....

jacki needs to hurry and drop a new cd man! or another hot mixtape!!!!! Well if it's that important, I could work on a mix-tape over the weekend.

Jacki needs help with her homework. ...she's studying "wine appreciation" if that makes the job more appealing....

Jacki needs her ass whooped. Uum. I'm going to pretend this one's referring to board games. I never mind a bit of healthy competition.

JACKI NEEDS TO PAY THE BILLS TOO whoa! that one sounds nasty. As far as I know, I'm actually pretty good at paying my bills on time. Most of them are via direct debit, in fact.

jacki needs to find a boy. Preferably one who cooks, cleans and can fix stuff. ;-)

jacki needs to act like an adult not a kid. No! Don't wanna! I'll hold my breath 'til I turn blue if you try to make me!

Jacki needs to make you a special avatar. Abracadabra! You're a special avatar.

There's more, but I seem to be getting down to the pron end of the search engine now, so I'm just going to stop.

Well, that kept me amused for ages!

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