Friday, May 25, 2007


Yes, believe it or not, but it was one year ago today that I started up this little blog of mine.

And would you believe that it has intersected very nicely indeed with my 300th post!

Yup, I've averaged to post 82% of days for a year. Or 5.8 times a week, or 25 times a month. (I did mention up front that I was a bit of a nerd!)

So, how could I top all of that, I asked myself? And, let me tell you, I answered (sometimes the voices in my head do's very handy!)

The answer that came to me was that I should have a blogging extravaganza!!!!

There will be lists. Oh yes, many lists. A bit of a walk down memory lane and plenty of reminiscing.

We'll take a look back at my favourite posts. We'll revisit the most popular posts. We can take a look at some the the amusing ways that people got here, and I might even walk you through some of my favourite themes.

There could be some questions answered. If anyone asks any questions, that lot are a notoriously quiet lot (even though I know you're there). But if you change your mind and want to post a question or a comment, please go ahead. It's now or never!

Anyway, should be a blast, so tune in throughout the day. Well, actually the afternoon as I'll be doing some work stuff in the morning, but you get the picture!

See you there! Or here, I suppose.

J. :-)

later.....just so you know, my PC was out of order pretty much all of today, so all these great posts following, that I diligently prepared last night, are being posted from not-so-sunny (bloody freezing, in fact) Canberra. Enjoy belatedly. J.

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