Friday, May 18, 2007

part 2 - What Jacki Wants

Since the last post was so fun, I had another idea...

jacki wants more of course.

Jacki wants to be your everything What more could a hospitable blogger offer?

Jacki wants to dissolve the band Especially if that band happens to be Hanson. Let it go guys. You're too old to be child stars and you were never that good in the first place.

Jacki wants to go to Colorado Springs amongst other places.

Jacki wants to thank Bloomingfoods for giving her soap a spot on their shelves. Very nice of them, I think.

Jacki wants to know what happened. I sure do. One minute I was going to be a historian, the next I was racking up long-service leave working for a bank....

Jacki wants you to know that she did indeed choose some winners. Of course. I'm not friends with losers.

Jacki wants to know...everything. Tell me all your secrets!

Jacki wants the nice big house. But since it's Sydney, she'll settle for her medium-sized apartment.

Jacki wants to go to Ireland maybe even more than Colorado Springs

jacki wants geo education to be better. I'm sure it's very important, for some very good reason, that escapes me just at the moment.

Jacki wants to see the end of poverty, hunger and inequality. The start of sustainable environmental and economic practices. Better education. John Howard lose power (oops...I may have lied about not discussing politics). the invention of chocolate, cheese and chips that are really really good for you and have not fat or bad stuff at all but still taste exactly the same as the naughty ones.

jacki wants to promote the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal. It's on these weekend. I'll be collecting around Erskineville, but if you happen to want to make a donation, you can do so here

Jacki wants to come too. especially if you're going somewhere nice.

Jacki wants the flamed dash gauges. The car just won't feel complete until she gets them.

Jacki wants to know what color the van is before she takes a stand. Yep. The van colour is very important in all my major life decisions.

Jacki wants to know how many women have been racing. Ever. At anything.

Jacki wants you to see the cutest kid ever. You can see pictures of her niece if you ask her.

Jacki wants to stand out from the other girls That explains a lot.

jacki wants to go to sleep Yes. It is about time for my disco-nap.

Jacki wants chicken mcnuggets really bad No. No. I'm pretty sure she doesn't. In fact, Jacki doesn't remember ever eating chicken mcnuggets. She can't really remember what chicken tastes like. That is not a craving Jacki gets.

Jacki wants to fly. If she thinks happy thoughts, maybe she will.

Jacki wants the responsibility. I think she's ready for it.

jacki wants to hide things. Easter eggs?

Jacki wants to form a foundation to help third world countries. Well, that's not a bad ambition at all. She might start small though.

Jacki wants to learn the geetar. How did they know??

Whew! All of this referring to one's self in the third person can be quite exhausting!

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