Friday, July 21, 2006

Judging a book by its cover

A funny thing happened last Saturday night when I was out with the girls. Thought I'd share.
The 4 of us were sitting around, glasses of red wine in hand, having lots of laughs and meaningful (or not so meaningful - but that's another post) conversations, and minding our own business.
Then, from the end of the table, we hear "Excuse me" and turn to see a lady has approached the table and is addressing us.
"Do you girls like putting music on the jukebox?" She asked.
So what would you think? I think we must have all looked pretty horrified and there were 4 blank looking expressions staring back at her, stuttering and struggling for something to say.
Was she crazy (we were in the inner west, after all, and as much as I love living there, I do admit we have more than our fair share of loaves short a slice)? Was she approaching us for money? I didn't think that asking strangers for money to put music on the jukebox was really the done thing? Did I miss the memo? Huh?
"I'm the owner - you girls look like you'd pick good music", she said, as she slid 2 hefty stacks of $2 coins across the table....

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