Thursday, July 13, 2006

Power days

Whew! Adam's away sick for the second day and I'm holding the fort on my own. There's a new forecast just finished running, the sales plan needs finalising and there are merger scenarios to run!! Aargh! Even worse, my dentist has called and said there's been a cancellation this afternoon so I don't have to wait another month for my final filling (yay! great news!...yes, I'm being sarcastic).

But somehow I'm doing OK. You often hear people talk about having off-days (and I certainly know all abouty them too), but I've been known to have Power Days.

There are a couple of factors that come into power days and today seems to fit the bill....
  • You have to be in peak physical condition - no lingering or lurking colds or flu, late nights the previous evening, or lingering back-ache/head-aches (did I mention my toe seems to be better?). Ay of these things can ruin a power-day and make it into a regular day.
  • You have to have at least one deadline. If you don't, you'll never push yourself and achieve a power day (why do today what you could put off until tomorrow?)
  • You have to have a full day's work that needs doing. If you're totally swamped, you're likely to get overwhelmed and disheartened. If you haven't got a full day's worth of stuff to do, the old procrastination law comes into play.
  • There have to be minimal interruptions. You can't have a power day if you've scheduled six hours worth of meetings. It's just not going to happen.

So my to-do list, which looked crammed this morning is alrady well under way. Things seem to be running smoothly (knock on wood) and I'm on schedule to get everything done I need to today by the time I need to leave for the dentist. Hooray!

So back to it. Must....focus....

Hope you all have power days too!


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